
What is CliMarch?

During the CliMarch campaign, young people produced the above promotional video for the campaign based on the five most impactful individual actions to combat climate change.

Youth for Climate Action

The following content was generated by Year 11 and 12 students from the Central Coast. Youth studying Vocational Education and Training courses for their Higher School Certificate helped to generate video, graphic and audio content for climate awareness and the CliMarch campaign in 2021. 

Our young people generated climate awareness content for TikTok with a reach of more than 1.5k.

Students also helped with initial logo design concepts. We asked students to think about climate change, the environmental impacts and come up with some logo designs to represent the earth, the climate and our impact. 

Students from St Peters Catholic College made a short clip on saving electricity for the CliMarch campaign. It's all about doing our part for the climate by shutting off devices and lights when not in use.

TikTok Content generated by students:

Logo development by students:

Instagram content creation by students for @CliMarch_

We’d like to thank the young people involved in creating content for the Climarch 2021 campaign. Thank you for contributing to creating a movement to influence change amongst youth, families and communities. The participation of youth across the Central Coast was made possible due to the partnership between CliMarch and Skilled Creative.